Welcome Back to the Blog!
Wow, it has been a while guys! It feels so weird to be writing a blog post again, it has been so long! But I am so excited to finally be officially relaunching my site. This is a project I have had on my to do list for such a long time, and I hope you guys love what I have put together.

This is definitely still very much a work in progress, so you may notice things not totally in place around here for a bit. But if I waited for things to be perfect, this relaunch wouldn’t happen for another additional 5 years ;). So I thought I would just get things going while I continue to play around and get all setup.
My hope for this site is for it to be a hub, or home base, for all of my online content. I have collected quite the number of different platforms that I create content for, from multiple YouTube channels and Instagrams, to a couple Facebook groups and more. So I wanted one central place to sort of collect all my various content.
I also wasn’t really planning on restarting the blog portion of my site until recently. I am still trying to figure out exactly what type of content I’ll be sharing in blog posts, and exactly how frequently I’ll be posting. But like I’ve done with most of my other content platforms, I’m going to kind of just start and see where it takes me!
If you are an original subscriber of my blog, welcome back! You may have been following along on YouTube or Instagram since I stopped blogging, or maybe you are just catching up with my for the first time in years! Either way I am so excited to have you back here.
If you joined my online journey at any point after I had previously stopped blogging, I encourage you to subscribe so you will always be notified when a new blog post goes live. Like I said, I plan to make my site a central hub for all of my content, so it will always be kept up to date with the latest from across my platforms.
That’s all I have to share for now. Like I said I am so excited to be back here one my blog sharing with you guys. This is where it all began, and my blog has always held a special place in my heart. I would love your feedback and thoughts on what to include in this new venture, leave me a comment with what you’d like to see!