Products I Will Never Buy Again

As soon as I was pregnant with my first daughter Stella, I started getting serious about what products I was using in my home. After looking into the ingredients that were in many of my products, I was not happy with what I found.
About 95% of my products had toxic ‘fragrance’ listed on the ingredients. This umbrella term could include any number of tens of thousands of chemicals, including known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.
Since I had already begun using essential oils and other plant based, natural and nontoxic products in my home, I decided to do a clean sweep and just ditch any product that didn’t meet my standards anymore. I am not about using products that are going to harm the health of my family.
For the sake of this blog post I’ve quickly outlined my thoughts, but I go much more in depth in the video below. If you aren’t able to see the embedded video, click here to watch on YouTube.
Interested in learning more about nontoxic products, and connecting with other naturally minded mamas? I have made a Facebook group specifically to connect moms who parent and live life in a natural way! If you consider yourself a natural mama or just want to learn a little bit more, I would love to have you join Simply Natural Mamas!